Richmond Hill Strike Over
Richmond Hill strike is over. We are back on the ice tomorrow. We will continue the schedule as is for now. 3 on 3 will be a go for sure. Please fill out the form on the website to ensure you are added to the draft. We missed 5 games, potentially we could add 2 back for March […]
David’s McQuarrie Message: Thank You All
I want to thank the league from the bottom of my heart for the kind words and generous spirit shown towards me in the kindness of the donations I just received. Yes, I backed out at the end of last year’s season before the playoffs which I would never due but circumstances dictated I had […]
Dave McQuarrie Fundraiser. Nov 21
This Thursday, tomorrow, is the fundraiser for Dave McQuarrie. Long time ref in the Oaks, over 30 years. Dave gave this league years and he always got what we were looking for in the style of hockey we were trying to play. For years Dave was the head referee and he made sure we had refs […]
Find out your Team this Saturday, Sept 14, at 2PM @WildWingsOaks
Stop by at 2PM, sept 14, 2024 and meet your team rep, pick your jersey and what team you play on. First come first serve on the remaing jerseys. Grab a free pint and meet your other team members as well. If you can’t make it, your new team rep will contact you afterward. We […]
2024-2025 ORMRHL Season Registration
Good day returning members and potential new members to the ORMRHL 42nd hockey season for 2024-2025. Registration will begin August 1st at noon. If you have already registered, you will need to register again as all registrations will be purged. Registration will close for returning players on August 30th at 5pm. There are a few things to keep […]
Championship Saturday
SCHEDULE FOR SATURDAY Game 1: 12-1 Game 2: 1-2 B Championship: 2-3:30 at the latest A Championship: After the flood of the B Championships Banquet will start around 6pm. Game 1 and 2 are regular games, no OT. B Championship is 2-15 minute straight periods, followed by a flood and a 15 minute stop time 3rd. […]
2023-2024 Playoffs
The second round of the playoffs are just around the corner. Games are on Monday/Thursday split up into 2 divisions: A & B. See schedule for details. Seeding for each division has been complete. Best of 3 will be seeding into the final game. The finals are on April 20nd at Bond Lake Arena Best […]
Just a heads up if you haven’t been contacted by your team rep be sure to reach out to us. We start this Monday, Sept 18! Note all players must have paid before they can go on the ice. Best of luck to everyone and keep it clean and fun!
40 Years of ORMRHL!
Just want to thank you all for making another great year and marking our 40th season! I would like to thank Paul Mercuriano for his efforts and help with the league. During shutdowns in previous years it was especially difficult. But here we are, another fantastic year thanks to him and the exec. Paul you […]
Finals 2022-2023
Congrats to the Dragons for winning the Championship, the 2 best teams all year Wildcats and Dragons deserved to be there and it was an exciting and great game! And congrats to Robbie too, A Champs last year and B Champs this year! Good job!