Top Scoring Player

This page is dedicated to the top scoring player in the league each year.  It includes both goals and assists.

1986Scott Barton
1988Mark Joslin
1989Mark Joslin
1990John Lenneville
1991Mark Joslin
1992Glen Wright
1993Kari Levo
1994Mark Joslin
1995Greg Fallis
1996Kari Levo
1997Bruce Wilton
1998Bruce Wilton
1999Joe Bianchi
2000Chris Lowery
2001Ed Zinner / Michael Cundari
2002Neil DeCiantis
2003Ron Butler
2005Ron Butler
2006Darryl Dafoe
2007Darryl Dafoe
2008Darryl Dafoe
2009Michael Cundari
2010Kyle Quigley
2011Kyle Quigley
2012Jeff Conner
2013Tom Coukos
2014Jeff Conner
2015Mack Charron
2016Tom Coukos